Passwords & Account Recovery Guide

We're here to help! Let's get started in gaining you some knowledge to help sail our ships.
Welcome to the training grounds!

Learning Objectives easy

After going through this guide you'll understand the following
  • Account recovery and password setup.

Passwords Guide


CAP 110 (Myths Of Alexandria)


Hello Sailors! Welcome to our guide about passwords. This guide will help you understand why it’s not recommended to use fake emails and how to recover your account if you forget your credentials!


Before we dig into passwords, registering with a valid email address is essential to being able to manage your account and even recover it should you forget your credentials. So make sure to always use a valid email ID you can access instead of using a fake/made-up one.


The account creation process is self-explanatory, so we are not going to cover it in this guide. But what if you forgot your password and can no longer log in? Simple! You can click on the Login button:




Then “Forgot your password?” or alternatively you can click on this link



Next, you will be asked to type in the email address you used to create your account,





If you typed in a valid email, you will receive this notification and an email with a link to reset your password.





Click on the “Reset Password” button, and it will redirect you back to our website. There you will be prompted to type in your new password; make sure you remember it this time!





And voilà, your account is now successfully restored and you can set sails again!



Secondary Password



  1. Setting it up:

When you first create your account and log in in-game for the first time, you will be prompted to set up a secondary password, which you will use every time you log in.



Make sure to follow the instructions provided next to the keypad.
First click on the upper black field, then set up your password, next click on the lower black field and repeat your password.
IMPORTANT!: remember that passcode or save it somewhere!


2. Recovering the secondary password.


If for whatever reason you have forgotten your secondary password, there are few easy steps to recover it.

In the same keypad panel you can simply click on the “Reissue” button:





An email will be sent to the address you used during the registration process. It will look like this:




Now simply type that new passcode on the keypad and that’s it, you can sail with us again!


CAP 140


  1. Recovering password:

Simply click on “I forgot my password” or click on this link:





Next, type in the email you used to register an account and click on “Send Password Reset Link”





You will receive an email that looks like the one on the screenshot below. Click on the “Reset Password” button.




You will be redirected to our website where you can type in your email, then your password, confirm your password and that’s it, you’re ready to set sail again!



If for whatever reason you have forgotten your in-game or website password, you can log a ticket on our discord server in the channel



Also, here are a few rules we would like you to read:

  • Our staff will never ask you for your credentials.
  • Our staff will never change or reset your password for you (the only exception being 140 tickets through Discord, as mentioned above in the guide).
  • Please remember that we are not responsible for any security breaches and/or issues if you have shared your credentials with other people.


Ratings coming soon

Guide by xiamate

Posted on December 28 2023
April 27 2024

  • 7 Seas
  • Classic

Keywords passwords guide account recovery