Leveling from 1 to 110

We're here to help! Let's get started in gaining you some knowledge to help sail our ships.
Welcome to the training grounds!

Learning Objectives easy

After going through this guide you'll understand the following
  • Leveling Zones
  • Dungeons
  • Starter Items
  • Supplier NPCs
  • Token NPCs
  • Reset Scrolls
  • Forgotten World
  • Blaze Bear Dungeon


Greetings and welcome to Sailor Online, Myths of Alexandria!

Before embarking on your journey and delving into the grind, it's essential to familiarize yourself with a few key elements:

  • Starter Items
  • Supplier NPCs
  • Token NPCs

Let's ensure you're well-equipped and informed for the adventures that await you in this captivating online realm!

Starter Items

Upon character creation and login, type !MOA into the all-chat to claim your essential starter items. These items are indispensable, serving as a vital boost to kickstart your journey swiftly and efficiently. If you happened to miss this during character creation, don't worry - you can still redeem your essential starter items at any time later!

Additional Event Rewards:
As we mark our 2 years sailing the 7 Seas on the 16th of April, all players will be eligible to earn a bundle of free items!

Simply type !7sanniversary in the game's all chat, rewards will be then added to your inventory.


Supplier NPCs

Before venturing out of town, be sure to visit the Supplier NPCs located near every town's teleporter. These NPCs offer a diverse range of basic necessities, providing essential support for your upcoming adventures. Take a moment to explore their inventory, as these suppliers play a pivotal role in ensuring you are well-equipped for the challenges that lie ahead.

Token NPCs

Before embarking on your adventure, make it a priority to check in with the Token NPCs located near every town's teleporter. These NPCs provide a diverse array of items, particularly focusing on rare equipment that is essential for fortifying your character and ensuring that grinding sessions are nothing more than smooth sailing.


These tokens are your most important currency from level 1 to level 100, you’ll be able to buy all your equipment, consumables and expendables with them:


  • Monk Token, 1~3 Degree
  • Soldiers Token, 4~5 Degree
  • General Token, 6~9 Degree

Check what the Token NPCs have in store for tools that can amp up your strength and make your journey through battles and leveling a breeze. Grab some handy gear for an easier ride!

Journey to level 110

Now that you've equipped yourself with all the essentials, it's time to dive into the grind. Choose your preferred build, and you'll quickly discover the thrill of effortlessly taking on higher-level monsters.

The leveling process is speedy, so let's keep it short and sweet. Consult the in-game map if you're a newcomer – it'll point you to monsters perfectly matched for your characters level.

Happy hunting!

EU Leveling Route: Level 1 - 37 (Europe)

Start your adventure from Constantinople. Step outside, hit the road, and brace yourself for increasingly powerful foes that await your daring exploration.

Please remember this is only a general guideline which can easily be improved upon!

Level Range


1 - 8

Edenp, Graesp

8 - 16

Aduna Ladon, Simos Ladon

16 - 24

Megalopa, Crab

24 - 32

Kokoru, Periton

32 - 37

Blood Ong, Ong (Samarkand)

CH Leveling Route: Level 1 - 37 (China)

Start your adventure from Jangan. Step outside, hit the road, and brace yourself for increasingly powerful foes that await your daring exploration.

Please remember this is only a general guideline which can easily be improved upon!

Level Range


1 - 8

Old Weasel, Weasel

8 - 16

Young Tiger, Tiger

16 - 24

Chakji Worker, Chakji

24 - 32

Hyeongcheon Guard, Hyeongcheon

32 - 37

Blood Ong, Ong (Donwhang)

Forgotten World: Level 35 - 110

Unlock the mystery of Forgotten World dungeons, open to players between levels 35 and 110. Dive into these hidden realms by collecting Dimension Holes, dropped by envies that emerge after conquering a Dimension Pillar. Keep an eye out for these pillars during your open-world grind – they'll spawn nearby. Don't overlook these dungeons; they're your ticket to massive experience gains.

Seize the opportunity whenever a dimensional pillar crosses your path!

Entry Level



35 - 50

Togui Village


51 - 60

Togui Village


61 - 70

Togui Village


71 - 80

Flame Mountain

Hotan Grocery Shop

81 - 90

Flame Mountain

Hotan Grocery Shop

91 - 100


Hotan Grocery Shop

101 - 110


Alexandria Grocery Shop

General Leveling Route: 37 - 57

Please remember this is only a general guideline which can easily be improved upon!

Level Range


37 - 42


42 - 47

Mujigi, Ujigi

47 - 54

Penon Fighter

54 - 57

Yeti, Devil Yeti

General Leveling Route: 57 - 70 (Donwhang Dungeon)

Congratulations on reaching level 57! It's time to suit up in your full degree 7 set and step into the exhilarating world of the Donwhang Dungeon! This dungeon is tailored for adventurers level 50 and above, so get ready for an epic journey.

Inside, you'll encounter a multitude of monsters packed into this dense cave. Equip yourself and brace for an extended stay – the excitement awaits! Charge into the Donwhang Dungeon and let the adventure unfold!

Level Range


Dungeon Floor

57 - 60

Soil Ghost Bug, Earth Ghost Bug


60 - 64

Strong Earth Ghost, Power Earth Ghost


64 - 66

Earth Ghost Warrior, Earth Ghost Soldier


66 - 69

Blind Mole, Mole


69 - 72

Devil Ghost Nachal, Devil Mask Nachal



General Leveling Route: 70 - 90 (Shambhala Temples)

Upon hitting level 70, unlock the icy wonders of the Ice Temple situated to the north of Taklamakan. Initially serene, don't be deceived by the lack of roaming monsters – these temples boast one of the highest monster densities in the entire game!

For optimal grinding, seek out the corners of each temple, perched on top of a circular shape. Once you teleport inside, consult your map to pinpoint these prime locations. Embrace the chilling challenge and conquer the Ice Temple's formidable monsters!

Level Range



70 - 80

Niya General, Wing Tribe Guardian

Ice (Lv Restriction: 70+)

80 - 85

Wing Tribe Chaser, Tomb Bowman

Fire (Lv Restriction: 75+)

85 - 90

Tomb Bug

Shadow (Lv Restriction: 83+)

General Leveling Route: 90 - 95 (Mirror Dimension)

Embark on a thrilling journey to the Mirror Dimension upon reaching level 85. This mystical realm mirrors the lush plains of Constantinople and hosts a diverse array of monsters ranging from level 90 to 95.

South of this captivating realm lies a bountiful dungeon known as the Hall of Worship!

Level Range


90 - 92

Fire Guardian, Water Guardian

92 - 95

Immortal Beak, Soul Guardian

90 - 99

Hall of Worship (see below)


Hall of Worship: Level 90 - 99

Enjoying your stay in the Mirror Dimension so far? You might have already discovered a prosperous structure within the Mirror Dimension – the Hall of Worship! Tailored for levels 90 to 99, this dungeon boasts formidable monsters and promises great rewards. Venture south within the Mirror Dimension to unveil the entrance.

Assemble a sturdy party before entering these halls - these monsters are not your usual foes. Brace yourself for the challenges and reap the rewards that await you in the Hall of Worship!

General Leveling Route: 95 - 101 (Alexandria)

Once you reach level 90 and beyond, the gates to Alexandria swing open, signaling your arrival at our latest expansion, Myths of Alexandria! Prepare for vibrant grinding zones, teeming with fellow adventurers!

You’ll find even more grind zones like Storm and Cloud Desert and Kings Valley, which both unlock at level 95! Now is the perfect time to forge alliances and team up to overcome upcoming challenges – it'll make your journey a breeze!

Level Range


95 - 98

Uneg, Weneg

98 - 101

Tathen, Tenen

98 - 101

Cruel Raider, Dark Scout

98 - 101

Wind Spider

As you progress to level 101, your gold reserves will start to accumulate. Keep in mind that the trusty token items that served you well within the character level range of 1-100 will now become obsolete. It's time to shift gears and buy your essentials and acquire gear from the regular town vendors. Adapt to the new phase of your journey!

Don't forget to utilize your mastery and stat reskill coupons while you still can; once you reach level 101, they will become unusable!

General Leveling Route: 101 - 110 (Dimensional Desert)

The dimensional desert awaits – it's the ultimate stage, your final grind zone. Rally your strongest allies, group up, and grind together to reach the pinnacle of your journey.

The entrance to the dimensional desert is located at the south of the taklamakan desert. Due to its dangerous nature this desert is restricted to adventurers of level 101 and above.

Roam through the vast desert full of diverse monsters, explore freely, and discover the perfect grind spot that suits your preferences and needs!

Forgotten World: Level 101 - 110

Don't overlook the Forgotten World! If luck has been on your side during your journey, you may have stumbled upon dimensional pillars, obtained the dimensional key, and conquered the dungeon. At level 101 you don’t have to rely on that luck anymore. Now, you can conveniently acquire dungeon entries from the grocery vendor in Alexandria. Make it a daily ritual to maximize your experience gains!

Traveling into the Forgotten World is an incredibly rewarding journey, offering not only substantial experience points but also a treasure trove of valuable and very rare rewards!

Holy Water Temple: Level 101 - 110

Before setting foot in the Holy Water Temple, be sure to grab the "Devil of the Century" questline. Progress through this crucial quest chain as it will guide you seamlessly to the entrance of the Holy Water Temple. The Holy Water Temple stands out as one of the quickest and easiest ways to swiftly reach level 110!

Once you hit level 101 and you progress through the quest chain, step into the prestigious Holy Water Temple – an endgame dungeon that showers you with ample experience and valuable end game items. Seize these easy rewards by simply forming a group and venturing forth!

Blaze Tower Dungeon: Level 105 - 110

Gear up for the Blaze Tower, an exclusive dungeon for adventurers at level 105 and beyond. Secure your entry ticket from the local grocery vendor – but beware, this challenge requires a formidable group of 8 players. Incorporate it into your daily routine to optimize your experience gains!

Rally your friends, brace yourself, and delve into the tower for substantial experience points and lucrative silk rewards!

The Endgame: Myths of Alexandria at Level 110

Congratulations! The pursuit for character experience is now a thing of the past. It's time to explore, immerse yourself in massive PvE and PvP activities with your friends, and most importantly, have fun!

Ratings coming soon

Guide by evolex

Posted on February 07 2024
April 28 2024

  • 7 Seas

Keywords leveling beginner starter