Inventory Expansion - Guide

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Learning Objectives easy

After going through this guide you'll understand the following
  • How to increase your character inventory
  • How to increase additional inventories (pet, storage)

Inventory expansion


In this guide we will find out how we can expand our inventory. It's very simple, just a few quests that shouldn't take too long. There is not much difference between races, so I will differentiate China / Euro with colors. Let's stop wasting time and get started.


There are 5 quests in total:

  • at level 5

  • at level 30

  • at level 60

  • at level 90

  • at level 105


*Each quest can be done only once, and must be done in order.*


  • First Quest ( lv.5 - Jangan / Constantinople - Grocery store - Monsters: Mangyang / Movoi )


  1. Go to Jangan / Constantinople, talk to “Grocery Trader Jinjin” / “Grocery Trader Bajel” and take the “Inventory expansion 1 (china / europe)” quest.

  2. Go to “Grassland” / “Traveller’s Hill” and collect 10 items “Strong Straws” / “Movoi’s Grass”.

  3. After you have collected all 10 items, go back and return the quest. ( to “Grocery Trader Jinjin” / “Grocery Trader Bajel” )


  • Second Quest ( lv.30 - Donwang / Samarkand - Grocery Store - Monsters: Earth Taoist / Punisher )


  1. Go to Donwang / Samarkand, talk to “Grocery Trader Saha” / “Grocery Trader Yeosun” and take the “Inventory expansion 2 (china / europe)” quest.

  2. Go to “Earth Ghost Canyon” / “Anatolian Plateau” and collect 20 items “Mage Charms” / “World’s Fur”.

  3. After you have collected all 20 items, go back and return the quest. ( to “Grocery Trader Saha” / “Grocery Trader Yeosun” )


  • Third Quest ( lv.60 - Hotan - Grocery Store - Monsters: Big White Spider )


  1. Go to Hotan, talk to “Jewel Lapidary Mamoje” and take the “Inventory expansion 3 (common)” quest.

  2. Go to “West-Karakoram” and collect 30 items “Strong Spider Webs”.

  3. After you have collected all 30 items, go back and return the quest. ( to “Jewel Lapidary Mamoje” )


  • Fourth Quest ( lv.90 - Wind Town - Towner Anashya - Monsters: Rocky )


  1. Go to Wind Town (Roc Area), talk to “Tower Anashya and take the “Inventory expansion 4 (common)” quest.


  1. Go to “Peak of Wing” and collect 50 items “Light Feathers”.       

  2. After you have collected all 50 items, go back and return the quest. (to “Tower Anashya”)


  • Fifth Quest ( lv. 105 - Alexandria -  Egyptean Solider Turian - Monsters: Blood  Khepri )


  1. Go to Alexeandria (South gate), talk to Egyptean Solider Turian NPC and take the “Inventory expansion 5 (common)” quest.


  1.  Go to "Tunnel of Abyss" (Job Temple) and Hunt 500 Blood Khepri


  1. After you have hunted all 500 Blood Kherpri, go back to Alexandria and return the quest. (to Egyptean Solider Turian)


Also, what could be mentioned is the fact that in the Item Mall there are 3 quite well-known and used items: Inventory Expansion Item, Pet Inventory Expansion Item and Storage Expansion Item.

  • Inventory Expansion: offers you 32 extra slots (one page)
  • Pet Inventory Expansion: offers you all 5 pages, for a pet grab.
  • Storage Expansion: offers you 30 extra slots.

These items can be purchased from the "Item Mall" with Premium Silk, or even with Silver Silk.


I hope my guide helped you, and now you can have fun with more space in your inventory! We are sailing!


~ Firejeok


Ratings coming soon

Guide by firejeok

Posted on October 21 2023
April 26 2024

  • 7 Seas
  • Red Sea

Keywords guide inventory expansion invetoryespansion space